

I was doing my usual scholarly research on the internerd, and stumbled across something inordinately creepy. It's nothing as mundane as a two-legged dog, though that would freak me out, if I saw it walking towards me.

Naw, I'm talking about Rat Kings. They've popped up pretty frequently throughout European history, and, not surprisingly, are interpreted as bad omens. I cannot explain how archetypically unnerving this is to me...

If a suirrely mass of entangled rats manifesting itself doesn't make you feel like you've slept in the reptile house, then you're bolder than I. Go here, and I'll change the subject... Hell, I dunno... Howzabout Underpants Museum?

Hemaworstje has a new home! This guy is one of my regularly visited sites. He's an expert parvert, but, man, he does dig up some great stuff!

Gosh. Where else do I go to if I have a little time. Thighs Wide Shut has a good variety of celebrity news and obscuro nerdo linkage...

For the straight Celebrity scoop, I go to Golden Fiddle. Not the most comprehensive celeb news, but definitely the least annoying...

For MP3s, go to Fluxblog, and hit the links...

Busy yourselves with this nonsense. I'm going home to paint...

1 komentář:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

nno scents and sorrry i could not take your call rat king cole i was burried deep down in a hole. and i will need some ashperations. soo loofah its a weekend demf and frizzle fry class in her ass and sole in her whole. lol