
the vicissitudes of the scopic and the phanic drive

Probably not the best time for a PORN post, but I've found a few tidbits that shouldn't be left to the wayside. I've always had an affinity for the cheesecake aesthetic. Hell, I've got a cheesecake category in my LP collection... That's not saying much, because I also have a section for Radio Comedy.
I always got so much shit for pictures that I took of women during my brief internment in
ART school. "Why did I crop her head out of the frame?" Actually, they'd say that I'd cut the models head off. It was usually because it made for a better picture with a nicer line. It eventually led me to do similar work, excepting that I always made sure to give the models a baseball bat, or a chain. The Freudian implications of my little empowerment? gag didn't quite sink in until I just wrote that now, and this was years ago. I can't believe I missed that. I guess if a machete works for Jason from the friday 13th films, then I guess it suffices to make my emasculatingly little pun just a little bit funnier... to me, at least.
Don't get me wrong, it's just to accurately portray a complete spectrum of emotional content, one has to sully one nails with the unsavory. "How many of the women in this critique have ever made a blanket, dare I say sexist, statement, like ALL MEN SUCK!? Before you answer, keep in mind that I have four sisters, so I already know the answer."

I'm not getting any further into it than that right now. Here are some naked pictures of Madonna taken by one of my absolute faves, Mr. Lee Friedlander. Nude... I meant to write nude, not naked. That would be different.

If you're interested in intergender politics, like me, then check this essay out. In addition to thoughtful exigeses, it's got pictures of boobies.

Enough with the PORN. I stumbled across Tim Lane's Site. He's a cool painter, whom I had the pleasure of making an accquaintance at a busted ART opening a few weeks ago. He also hosts lots of Travis Pickard images. TP is KJP's brother. The image below is Tim's.

Lil Pink Devil, not Big Pink Devil, which looks, I imagine, something not unlike this...

Badass Nature Photos by Elsdale...

Well, let's top off a half-hearted porno post with something once and truly Phallicious... Train Vs. Semi

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